
We would love to hear your story
Did you have an experience you would like to share about gospel movements on your campus or stories from a prayer walk?
On Friday, my co-worker, Jordan and I were at UCLA prayer walking around the fraternity houses. I shared an image with Jordan that I had received: the doors/windows of a fraternity house open wide and light shining into dark places.
Jordan suggested we go to Sigma Chi, a well-known influential chapter. We stood outside and prayed but nothing immediately happened. As we began to walk away, I expressed my disappointment that we didn’t have an opportunity to interact with a fraternity brother since I sensed we would during the prayer time. Jordan then felt moved to have us wait a few more minutes on their front ledge. In less than a minute, a guy pulled up on an electric scooter and parked in front of the house. I knew this was it! I introduced myself and we began to get to know him (Cole) and ask about his chapter. And guess what? He invited us inside!
The image of doors opening LITERALLY came to fruition! Jordan and I followed him inside for a house tour and to inquire about the spiritual climate of the chapter (after all, their national symbol is the cross). Cole replied God/spirituality seemed to be non-existent (no known Christians, no faith discussions, etc). We are praying God will work in BIG ways in Sigma Chi this year as well as the other chapters. Will you join us?
Praise the Lord for speaking so clearly to us, for providing me with a wonderful UCLA teammate, Jordan, and for the work we trust He is going to do!
-InterVarsity staff @ UCLA
Share your prayer walk story.